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Ditch Repair

Ditch Repair encompasses 3 main activities: Excavation of sediment & vegetation that significantly reduce channel capacity, Tree work/Obstructions, and Bank Stabilization projects.

backhoe removing ditch vegetation


As part of our mission to prevent flooding we inspect 20% of the public ditch system each year including the identification of excess material needing removal from the channel such as sediment, vegetation, and beaver dams.

We hire a contractor to do this excavation work. An access path gets established within the ditch easement for heavy machinery to operate alongside the ditch. Material removed from the channel is usually either deposited along the side of the ditch as a “spoil pile” or it gets hauled offsite. Our contractor works to minimize disturbance to properties and will reasonably repair any damages; however, certain trees and other landscaping features within the easement may be lost or damaged.  There is no direct cost to property owners.

Please contact Tyler Thompson, Field Operations Manager, with any questions or concerns at 763-755-0975 or email:

Tree Work & Obstructions

As part of our mission to prevent flooding we inspect 20% of the public ditch system each year including identifying trees needing removal from the channel: downed trees, hazardous leaning trees, bulk woody debris.

We hire a Company to do this tree work. In some areas the tree service may need to access the channel through private property and may need to create small paths across lawns to maneuver equipment. Material removed from the channel will be neatly piled in inconspicuous areas or hauled off site. Our contractor works to minimize disturbance to properties and will reasonably repair any damages. There is no direct cost to property owners.

Please contact Tyler Thompson, Field Operations Manager, with any questions or concerns at 763-755-0975 or email:

Bank Stabilization example creek bank with coconut fiber netting

 Bank Stabilizations

All streams and creeks naturally erode their beds and banks and deposit the resulting sediment. Over time, natural systems tend to reach an equilibrium state where erosion at one location is roughly balanced by deposition at another. If events occur which alter the streamflow or sediment supply/characteristics, then accelerated or unexpected erosion may occur.

In this latter case we have a Bank Stabilization Policy & program to assist affected landowners to:

  • identify effective, low-cost methods of streambank protection as an alternate to more expensive, traditional means of erosion control
  • solve local streambank erosion problems in a manner that minimizes the effect on stream behavior and impacts on affected property owners
  • understand the cause of streambank erosion problems to match the problem with a suitable bank protection method
  • and provide an organized, well planned approach to addressing and resolving streambank protection, restoration, maintenance and repair.

Significance/Priority: Determine if the bank is worth protecting. This determination will take the form of a recommendation to our Board of Managers. The determination will be made according to current availability of funds (availability will be determined on a first-in, first-out basis, unless there is competition and/or funds are scarce).

Please contact Tyler Thompson, Field Operations Manager, with any questions or concerns at 763-755-0975 or email:
